Cache error on site

I am getting a lot of feedback stating people are getting the update unsuccessful cache error. I’ve been through Solutions to Common Problems - NSB App Studio

There are no missing files errors showing in the console.

Just cleared the cache on my iPhone and still get the error.

Any ideas ?


Steve Warby

I found the safari debugger for the iPhone and it is showing this error:

Application Cache update failed, because size quota was exceeded.

How do I trace the problem.

How big is your app (including all images)?

47.7 MB inc the imageAsset folder.

There are images in there that are not used.

Also a couple of big animated gifs. 10 meg.

I always presumed the images are not loaded until the page with the the data on is loaded.


Steve Warby

Have you tried clearing the cache in Settings?

Yes I have cleared the cache on iOS

It’s an iOS thing, not AppStudio. I haven’t run into this myself, and the googling I did was no help. I can’t find documentation from Apple on how this is supposed to work - you may need to keep digging.
