Error when using SVG file in bootstrap image

This error pops up but the image shows okay. ( design & runtime ).

14:55:43: Unknown image data format.
14:55:43: Failed to load image from file “/Users/franceswarburton/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Techy/dubai/imageAssets/myDubaiLogoSwirl1.svg”.
14:55:43: Unknown image data format.
14:55:43: Failed to load image from file “/Users/franceswarburton/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Techy/dubai/imageAssets/myDubaiLogoSwirl1.svg”.

Does it just show in the Chrome Debugger Console?

It shows up as a popup within the IDE when you click on an image component that has an svg.

Can you add a screen shot of the error?

Thanks - I’ve seen this before.

It happens when the rendering engine used by AppStudio hiccups on the format of the image file. There isn’t anything we can do about it - but you may be able to fix it by encoding the svg a bit differently.

I just have one option to select or deselect sRGB.

I get the same error with both options.

I can confirm the same error message here. It’s coming from a third party library we use.

The image still appears to load normally and works fine at runtime. You’ll probably need to ignore this message - I don’t think we can trap it.