Javascript syntax for external js file

This resource looks quite useful for identifying the environment that the app is running in. I hope you agree.
The API seems quite comprehensive.

Using their example I can run this in Dreamweaver exactly as is and it reports correctly.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<SCRIPT type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>

if(FRUBIL.status.value == 1) {
  document.write('Class: ' + FRUBIL.client.class + '<br />');
  document.write('Name: ' + + ' ' + FRUBIL.client.version + '<br />');
  document.write('OS: ' + FRUBIL.client.os + '<br />');
  document.write('Device class: ' + FRUBIL.device.class + '<br />');
  if(FRUBIL.client.isOs('Windows XP', 'Windows 98')) {
  	document.write('OS is Windows XP or Windows 98 <br />');
  else {
  	document.write('OS is not Windows XP or Windows 98 <br />');
  if(FRUBIL.device.isClass('Game console')) {
  	document.write('Device class is Game console <br />');
  else {
  	document.write('Device class is NOT Game console <br />');

I have tried to run this in NSB but have been unsuccessful.
How do implement this line to reference the external js resource file.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

I think if I can get that sorted the rest of the code may work.
I just cannot find any info in the documentation about how to do that.

frubil.nsx (17.6 KB) (5.3 KB)

Put this into Project Properties:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Put the rest (without the <script> tags) anywhere in your project, in a JavaScript module.

forgive me but where in Project Properties should it go?

I tried putting in Manifest and Script but neither is correct and throws an error.

Whoops - forgot a key word. Put it in ‘extraheaders’.

Brilliant - Thank you, works a treat.

I’m guessing that the information this utility provides is more than we can get by other means e.g.SysInfo. ??

This is the API

This information can be gotten in other ways, but the library does make it convenient.

Type navigator.userAgent into the Chrome console. You’ll get back a string which has most of the same information:

> navigator.userAgent
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36"

Problem is, as I understand it, the Chrome console is not always (or readily) accessible in the app.

The simple demo I have attached makes it easy to identify the type of platform hosting the app.
Hope some find it useful.

frubil.nsx (16.8 KB)

Sysinfo alternative

I only suggested using the Chrome Console as an easy way to look at that string.

You can also use it in your code.